Milan, Italy
Address (size, players, competitors, timing etc) market opportunity already identified by the team and MVP trial set up.
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Assess the current state of the PolyOne employee experience in regards to diversity and inclusion, and develop recommendations on how to effectively recruit, retain and develop diverse talent.
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Madrid, Spain; Barcelona, Spain; Panama; Colombia; Aruba; Italy
Recommend ways to increase and improve the unit profit for ancillary services offered onboard.
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Geleen, The Netherlands
Devise a business plan and go-to-market strategy for Royal DSM's new Anti-Reflective Coating Technology for Aftermarket (ARCA) applications in key markets.
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Saffron Walden, UK
Analyze and make actionable recommendations for accessing the North American market effectively.
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Examine the feasibility of establishing a spin-off commercial entity, a SportsTech institute to support the talent development of the sector.
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