Action-Based Learning Projects:
MAP & Consulting Studio

Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Full-Time MBA MAP
Operations Enhancements
Create a business plan, with a focus on operational and financial characteristics, for the development of a perioperative transitional pain service to benefit post-surgery patients at risk for poor pain and opioid related outcomes
Faculty Advisors

Madurai, India

Madurai, India
Full-Time MBA MAP
Aravind turned to a MAP team for help in pursuing its mission of eradicating needless blindness. Specifically, the nonprofit needed a model of best practices for its chief medical officers to coordinate and improve their many tertiary hospital functions. The MAP team delivered a workable model identifying nine primary functions, 45 sub-functions, and indicators of process efficiency for each.
Secunderabad, India, Lucknow, India, Bhopal, India
Secunderabad, India, Lucknow, India, Bhopal, India
Full-Time MBA MAP
Create a strategy for mechanizing critical farm operations at small- and medium-sized farms leveraging ITC's e-choupal network for improved productivity and sustainability of farm incomes.
Project coordinated in partnership with the William Davidson Institute.
Faculty Advisors