Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers

Kigali, Rwanda, Kayonza, Rwanda, Nyaruguru, Rwanda
Project Goal

Conduct an in-country market analysis of coffee consumption and potential coffee retail channels.

Project Detail

Sustainable Harvest is an importer of high quality specialty-grade coffees from over 15 countries around the world. As pioneer of the Relationship Coffee Model, it has led the paradigm shift that has served as the foundation for the direct trade model and the interest in creating a closer connection between farmers and consumers.

For this project, the team conducted an in-depth market analysis of coffee consumption and potential coffee retail channels -- hotels, restaurants, ecotourism -- in Rwanda. It then developed a business plan for the cafe and wholesale operation, taking into account the market analysis.

Project coordinated in partnership with the William Davidson Institute.

Faculty Advisors
A.F. Thurnau Professor
Gerald and Esther Carey Professor of Business Administration
Professor of Management & Organizations
Professor of Strategy
In many ways, our lives are defined by the duties we embrace and the responsibilities we shoulder. The challenge is to integrate these duties and...
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Ford Motor Company Clinical Professor of Business Administration
Senior Research Fellow, William Davidson Institute
Ted London is the Ford Motor Company Clinical Professor and Area Chair of Business Administration at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of...
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