A. Yesim Orhun
Yeşim Orhun is a multi-method quantitative marketing scholar who works in the fields of industrial organization and behavioral economics. In one stream of work, she studies belief formation and belief-based utility, and their consequences for decision-making. In another stream of work, she examines how public and managerial policies shape inequities in consumer access. Her research spans several industries, including health, transportation, retail, consumer packaged goods, online platforms, and education. She has received several competitive grants and awards for her research, including the 2019 Paul E. Green Award.
Yeşim Orhun is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Information and a Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Faculty Fellow at the University of Michigan. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration from University of California at Berkeley. She serves as an AE at Journal of Marketing Research and IJRM, and on the Editorial Board of Marketing Science. Yeşim Orhun also served for four years on the Board of Consumer Reports.