Determine a sustainable financial model for Better Brick - Nepal, a market-based program that is transforming Nepal's brick industry by eliminating forced, bonded, and child labor.
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Traverse City, MI
Formulate a plan to build a local utility-scale solar project with strong community benefits going to those that need them most.
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Mumbai India
Create a plan to scale up active users of ICICI's InstaBIZ platform from 1 million to 7.5 million in next financial year, which will support ICICI in becoming SMEs' preferred bank
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Mumbai, India
Study the impact of the Digital Villages adopted by ICICI Bank and suggest improvements.
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Farmington Hills, MI
Devise a strategy for generating increased marketing dollars from current and potential customers.
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Conduct due diligence on a group of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to assess viability for investment.
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