Course Name Sort descending Number Term Credit Hrs
MO 399 Spring 23 +8 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to juniors and seniors in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
ES 399 Spring 23 +6 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to juniors and seniors in good academic standing.
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Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
STRATEGY 399 Spring 23 +8 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to juniors and seniors in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
BA 399 Spring 23 +8 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Projects --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to juniors and seniors in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 448 Winter 24 3 hours
Integrated Product Development --- This course is a 6-credit, experiential, cross-disciplinary course for teams of Junior and Senior undergraduates from across the University.
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ACC 312 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Intermediate Financial Accounting --- This is an intermediate financial accounting course that focuses on asset, liability and owners' equity measurement and timing of recognition issues, together wit
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Fall 24
Winter 24
MO 330 Winter 24 3 hours
InterMissions - An Action-Learning Expedition --- InterMission is a self-leadership course for students adrift in a sea of expectations who are exceptional at fulfilling goals set by others but find t
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MKT 315 Fall 24 +1 3 hours
International Marketing --- The course focuses on problems of marketing across national borders, marketing within foreign countries and the coordination of global marketing.
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Winter 24
BCOM 250 Winter 24 1.5 hours
Introduction to Business Communication --- This course presents frameworks for writing documents, managing email, and preparing presentations.
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TO 420 Fall 23 (B) +1 1.5 hours
Introduction to Coding with Python --- The business world clearly has an increasing need for tech -savvy managers who could speak the language of coders and technicians.
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Fall 24 (B)
ES 250 Winter 24 3 hours
Introduction to Entrepreneurship --- Introduction to Entrepreneurship is designed for sophomores and juniors, including non-business students, who wish to learn about entrepreneurship, its role and im
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MO 415 Fall 24 3 hours
Introduction to Managing Human Capital --- This course introduces the critical role that the HR (Human Resource) or HC (Human Capital) function plays in gaining the commitment, competence and capabili
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BA 100 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Introduction to Ross: Foundations in Learning Business --- This course introduces students to the world of business while supporting their transition and building a collaborative learning community, p
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Fall 24
Winter 24
FIN 317 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Investment Banking --- The goal of this course is to provide a broad introduction to the investment banking and private equity industry, including capital raising and mergers and acquisitions.
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Fall 24
BL 413 Winter 24 3 hours
Law of Marketing --- This course is an overview of the legal and ethical issues related to marketing strategy.
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BA 456 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Living Business Leadership Experience --- This course offers students the opportunity to establish and lead to functional team in an actual, operational business unit, working directly with executives
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Fall 24
BA 457 Winter 24 3 hours
Living Business Leadership Experience --- This course offers students the opportunity to establish and lead a functional team in an actual, operational business unit, working directly with executives
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BA 455 Winter 24 3 hours
Living Business Leadership Experience --- This course offers students the opportunity to establish and lead a functional team in an actual, operational business unit, working directly with executives
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MO 320 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Leading a Good Life --- Leading a good life is perhaps the most fundamental endeavor of humankind.
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Fall 24
MO 324 Fall 24 +1 3 hours
Leading Yourself and Managing Your Personal Relationships ---Effective leadership involves mastering two inextricably linked capacities: leading yourself and managing others.
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Winter 24
BL 415 Fall 23 3 hours
Legal Aspects of DEI in the Workplace --- This course considers the legal aspects of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.
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MO 355 Spring/Summer 23 +1 6 hours
Magnify: The Science and Practice of Flourishing at Work and Beyond --- This intensive course is designed to prepare undergraduates to understand and lead teams and organizations where people flourish
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Spring/Summer 24
ACC 301 Winter 24 3 hours
Managerial Accounting --- Managerial Accounting focuses on how accounting is used from the internal, manager perspective.
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MO 414 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Managing Change --- Planning, managing, evaluating, and surviving organizational change are challenges that you will confront as an employee, manager, consultant or analyst.
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Fall 24
FIN 336 Winter 24 (A) 1.5 hours
Managing the Maize and Blue Fund --- In this course students act as portfolio managers for the Maize and Blue (Student Managed) Fund.
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