Course Name Sort descending Number Term Credit Hrs
TO 582 Fall 23 +1 7.5 hours
Action Learning Projects in Operations, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management --- This course provides an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge in operations, procurement and supply ch
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Fall 24
TO 628 Winter 24 (B) 2.25 hours
Advanced Big Data Analytics --- With the ongoing explosion in availability of large and complex business datasets ("Big Data"), Machine Learning ("ML") algorithms are increasingly being used to automa
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TO 618 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Applied Business Analytics and Decisions --- Objective: Strategic and tactical decisions problems that firms face became too complex to solve by naive intuition and heuristics.
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Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 572 Fall 23 (A) 1.5 hours
Applied Business Forecasting I --- Students acquire hands-on experience with building and applying forecasting models to actual data on sales, inventories, income, earnings per share, and other variab
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TO 566 Winter 24 (A) 1.5 hours
Data Mining using Regression Analysis --- The course considers procedures for data collection, effective analysis, and interpretation for management control, planning, and forecasting.
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TO 635 Winter 24 (B) 2.25 hours
Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Operations Management --- In recent years, there has been practical and theoretical interests in behavioral study.
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TO 640 Fall 23 (B) +2 2.25 hours
Big Data Management: Tools and Techniques --- This course teaches the basic tools in acquisition, management, and visualization of large data sets.
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Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (A)
TO 515 Winter 24 (B) 2.25 hours
Business Application Development with Visual Basic for Excel --- This course demonstrates how to use VBA in Excel to automate repetitive and time consuming tasks, generate interactive reports, manipul
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TO 567 Fall 23 (A) +1 1.5 hours
Data Mining and Applied Multivariate Analysis --- Innovations in information technology has resulted in data intensive, managerial environments.
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Fall 24 (A)
TO 512 Fall 23 (A) +2 1.5 hours
Decision Support with Spreadsheets --- Spreadsheets have advanced to the point of providing powerful, general-purpose functionality and are among the most widely used decision-support tools in busines
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Fall 24 (A)
Winter 24 (A)
TO 538 Winter 24 (A) 1.5 hours
Empowering Business Decision Making with Generative AI --- This course equips students with the latest technical and practical knowledge in deploying Generative AI tools such as large language models
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TO 638 Winter 24 3 hours
FinTech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Other Technology Innovations In and Out of Finance --- New technological innovations are poised to fundamentally transform the financial industry in the comi
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TO 620 Fall 23 (A) +2 2.25 hours
Global Supply Chain Management --- Supply chain is the central nervous system of the global economy. Supply chain consists of all activities involved in fulfilling a customer request.
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Fall 24 (A)
Winter 24 (A)
TO 750 Spring 23 +8 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to graduate business students in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 623 Winter 24 (B) 1.5 hours
Information Technology Strategy in Supply Chain and Logistics --- Digital technologies have permeated every aspect of modern business.
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TO 563 Fall 23 (A) +1 1.5 hours
Innovation in Global Health Delivery: Strategies for Enhancing Growth and Improving Access in Emerging Markets --- New business models built around operational efficiency offer tremendous potential t
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Fall 24 (A)
TO 548 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Integrated Product Development --- This is a Tauber Institute sponsored elective open to all graduate students.
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Fall 24
TO 518 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Linear Programming I --- Formulation of problems from the private and public sectors using the mathematical model of linear programming.
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Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 605 Fall 23 +4 1.5 - 3 hours
Manufacturing and Supply Operations --- This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques of operations and inventory management.
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Fall 23 (B)
Fall 24
Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (A)
TO 630 Fall 23 (B) +1 2.25 hours
New Age of Innovation --- This course introduces students to the emerging nature of competition and the critical capabilities that firms need to build to thrive in this environment.
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Fall 24 (B)
TO 616 Fall 23 +2 1.5 hours
Project Management --- This course focuses on strategies and tools useful in management of non-repetitive business activities.
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Fall 24
Winter 24 (B)
TO 513 Fall 23 (B) +2 1.5 hours
Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications --- This course, a continuation of TO 512, emphasizes problem solving using spreadsheet software.
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Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (B)
TO 624 Fall 23 (A) +1 2.25 hours
Strategic Sourcing --- Strategic sourcing is the cross-functional process of critically analyzing how the organization can most effectively secure outside goods and services.
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Fall 24 (A)
TO 560 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management ---Firms today face increasing pressure from activists, investors, and customers, to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations and supply
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