Guildford, United Kingdom; Houston, TX; Toronto, Canada; Quito, Ecuador
Analyze the market situation to understand the prevalence of digital systems and develop a marketing plan.
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Mumbai, India;Bangalore, India;Dehli, India
Create a marketing and communications strategy that builds and differentiates a Mahindra line of business and provide a roadmap for how to scale the business.
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Mumbai, India
Chart the architecture and monetization plan for a comprehensive, modular database which can facilitate functioning of a profitable farmer centric ecosystem.
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Silicon Valley, CA; Grand Rapids, MI
Identify a strategy for how to market GenZe products in the Midwest.
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Finland, United States and Canada
Assess North America's log home market and present a three-year strategic plan with market entry options.
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Raleigh, North Carolina
Conduct a market assessment of disruptive technologies and identify potential strategic business partners.
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