BBA Business Law Course Offerings

Schedules subject to change.

 Day Section      Partially Offered in Washington DC      Travel Study Course

R=Fulfills Law Competency Requirement   E=Elective Only   PC=Fulfills BBA Capstone Requirement

BL407 Capstone - Legal Issues in Finance & Banking --- Leaders in finance and banking operate in a highly regulated environment. Financial companies are subject to strict supervision and the target of frequent litigation. Moreover, the 2008 financial crisis and passage of the Dodd-Frank Act increased scrutiny of the financial sector and created new types of legal risks. Heavy regulation, however, also creates opportunities for financial companies to use the law strategically to their advantage. For financial sector leaders, therefore, the ability to develop, assess, and implement legal strategies is indispensable. This capstone course will challenge you to integrate concepts from across the BBA curriculum to manage legal risks and capitalize on strategic opportunities in finance and banking. Through in-class activities, case studies, and a semester-long capstone project, you will synthesize principles from finance, strategy, business economics, management, and ethics to develop strategies for maximizing value in the financial sector in light of legal constraints. You will leave this class with (1) relevant knowledge about the laws and regulations governing financial companies, (2) an understanding of how financial firms achieve competitive advantage by reducing legal risk and using the law to create economic value, and (3) well-reasoned opinions about financial regulation to contribute to future policy debates. The concepts we explore in this class will form a critical foundation for your future career in investment banking, financial services, private equity, consulting, accounting, or law. 

BL 411/BUSABRD 411: Cross-cultural Negotiation and Dispute Resolution --- The ability to negotiate effectively is essential to business success, especially in a global economy.  This course emphasizes negotiation strategies and skills that enable managers, functional specialists (for example, in finance, marketing and accounting), consultants, entrepreneurs and others to create and claim value in a manner that enhances long-term business relationships.  Among the specific topics in the course are legal and ethical frameworks for negotiation, psychological tools that enhance negotiation effectiveness, and negotiations strategies for dispute resolution (including the use of third-party processes such as mediation and arbitration in resolving business disputes). This course includes a travel component over spring break to Prague, where we will engage in cross-cultural negotiation simulations with students at Prague University of Economics and Business. Admission is by application only and enrollment is strictly limited. Applications will be available Sept. 1 on MCompass and are due by NOON on Sept. 30. Please contact Professor Schipani ( with any questions.