MBA Business Law Course Offerings

Most courses open to non-MBA graduate students, subject to availability.

All schedules subject to change.

 Day Section      Offered in Washington DC  

R=Fulfills Law Competency Requirement   E=Elective Only


BL511 Real Estate Law: Real estate in the United States—from the purchase and sale of real property to its ownership, maintenance, management, financing, use, development, and redevelopment—is governed by an at times-complex and even obscure regulatory structure. Yet this regulatory structure is critically important to how every person lives in, works in, and experiences the built and natural environment, every day. This course will introduce students to a variety of legal concepts relating to real estate, including the nature of various types of real property interests, the procedural and substantive elements of real estate transactions, real estate financing mechanisms, land use and development, and landlord-tenant interactions. Although the course will cover legal topics, it will not train students to be lawyers. Instead, the course will train students to recognize legal issues pertaining to real estate, to understand the purpose and function of various aspects of real estate law and the legal elements of real estate transactions, and to know when and how to engage with the various participants—especially lawyers—in conducting the business of real estate.


BL517 Law of Business Organizations: This course provides an introduction to the legal framework in which managers operate a business enterprise. It examines various business relationships and organizations including:

  • Agency relationships
  • Partnerships
  • Limited liability companies
  • Corporations
  • Duties of senior management
  • Rights of shareholders
  • Rights and duties in the context of transactions for corporate control
  • Insider trading 

Because the course focuses on the legal environment in which management decisions are made, legal cases are used in class discussion.