Action-Based Learning Projects:
MAP & Consulting Studio
Hyderabad, India;Jaipur, India
Hyderabad, India;Jaipur, India
Full-Time MBA MAP
Develop a real-time monitoring system for Rajasthan operations that provides adequate control and alert mechanisms for both the Operational Excellence Desk and paramedic staff inside the ambulances, thereby increasing the probability of saving lives, ensuring compliance, and reducing costs.
Faculty Advisors
Redmond, WA
Redmond, WA
Full-Time MBA MAP
Analyze trade-offs of shifting Microsoft Workplace Analytics from an integrated product with a per-user, per-month business model to a platform with a consumption-based (pay-as-you-go) business model. Identify industry best practices around sales and pricing for consumption-based offerings.
Faculty Advisors
Kigali, Rwanda, Kayonza, Rwanda, Nyaruguru, Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda, Kayonza, Rwanda, Nyaruguru, Rwanda
Full-Time MBA MAP
Conduct an in-country market analysis of coffee consumption and potential coffee retail channels.
Project coordinated in partnership with the William Davidson Institute.
Faculty Advisors