Kigali, Rubengera Rwanda
Conduct landscape analysis of prominent influencers' involvement with fundraising for non-profits and recommend methods to engage the right influencers around fundraising for hunger eradication
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conduct a situation analysis on the Brazilian tech investment scenario and make recommendations for which innovations could make smart money more accessible to local startups.
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Toledo, OH
Conduct a market assessment and formulate a business strategy for ecommerce growth.
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New York, NY
Identify a market within a specified region for potential business development with accompanying business plan for growth.
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Nairobi, Kenya
Develop a strategic approach for assisting locally owned SMEs as they manage the impact of COVID on their businesses.
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New York, NY
Provide strategic planning for the development of state-of-the-art, next-generation, fully-integrated power and connectivity infrastructure for the purpose of a) in the near-term, enabling at scale...
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