Action-Based Learning Projects:
MAP & Consulting Studio
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
BBA Capstone
Market Analysis and Assessment
Conduct market research identifying opportunities, competitors, and strategic considerations for FoodFinder expanding into the healthcare referral space. For instance, do so by exploring how best we might replicate our initial proof-of-concept Gwinnett Health Finder ( across the country for other local/state government clients.
Faculty Advisors
Chennai, India;Madurai, India
Chennai, India;Madurai, India
Full-Time MBA MAP
Test, validate, and iterate on the Michigan Academy for the Development of Entrepreneurs' business model, tools, and coaching program designed to support entrepreneurs and Small Medium Enterprises in Madurai, India.
Faculty Advisors
Providence, RI, USA
Providence, RI, USA
Weekend MBA MAP
Market Analysis and Assessment
Support the UNFI ESG team to conduct market analysis and research to inform a potential Impact Fund which will support innovative solutions to climate change in the food/ag sector. The student team will create a proposal outlining an identified market gap as well as a recommended thesis, investment vehicle type, management scenarios, and expected impact for the fund.
Faculty Advisors