Action-Based Learning Projects:
MAP & Consulting Studio
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
MM Consulting Studio
Customer Experience Enhancements
Assess behaviors of 'non-traditional students' (e.g., mid-career, student parents, military) around retirement saving, planning, and goals to inform marketing and engagement strategies targeted to these individuals.
Faculty Advisors
Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan, Taiwan
Global MBA MAP
Research excess production capacity and suggest new, alternate revenue streams. The general manager (a Ross alum) of Taiwan Lung Meng asked the MAP team to research ways to use excess capacity and increase revenue. The team recommended several new products for creating alternative revenue streams. The final report included detailed design information, a market analysis, and financial projections.
Faculty Advisors
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Kampala, Uganda
Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Kampala, Uganda
Full-Time MBA MAP
Assess and improve the operational efficiency of an annual household literacy and numeracy assessment.
Project coordinated in partnership with the William Davidson Institute.
Faculty Advisors