Course Name Sort ascending Number Term Credit Hrs
BCOM 521 Fall 24 (B) 1.5 hours
Writing for Entrepreneurs --- This course explores fundamental communication principles for writing required in entrepreneurial contexts.
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BL 688 Spring/Summer 23 +7 3 hours
Washington Campus --- This course is a one week intensive course taught in Washington, D.C.
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Summer 23
Fall 23 (A)
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24 (A)
Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (B)
FIN 623 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Venture Capital Finance --- This course covers venture capital market structure and institutional arrangements and the application of financial theory and methods in a venture capital finance setting.
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ES 623 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Venture Capital Finance --- This course covers venture capital market structure and institutional arrangements and the application of financial theory and methods in a venture capital finance setting.
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MO 555 Winter 24 (A) 3 hours
The Science of Flourishing at Work and Beyond: The Foundations of Positive Organization Scholarship --- This course is designated to give students (undergraduate and MBAs) a working and practical know
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STRATEGY 688 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
The Power of Prestige: How Status and Reputation Confer Competitive Advantage --- What do McKinsey, Chanel, and Amazon have in common? Prestige is critical to their success!
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TO 560 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management ---Firms today face increasing pressure from activists, investors, and customers, to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations and supply
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TO 736 Summer 23 +1 2 hours
Supply Chain Management Colloquium --- This course provides an overview of key issues and management tools in the context of supply chain management.
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Summer 24
BE 650 Winter 24 (A) 1.5 hours
Supply Chain Governance --- This course examines economic principles and practical considerations affecting the successful governance of supply chain relationships.
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TO 685 Winter 24 1 - 6 hours
Supply Chain Consulting Studio --- This course provides an opportunity for MSCM students to apply their knowledge in operations, data analytics and supply chain management to capstone projects.
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STRATEGY 565 Fall 23 (B) +1 1.5 hours
Strategies for Sustainable Development II: Market Transformation --- The pressure for sustainable development has significant implications for firms, particularly large multinational corporations.
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 564 Fall 23 (A) +1 1.5 hours
Strategies for Sustainable Development I: Enterprise Integration --- This course deals with environmental issues from a strategic perspective. It focuses on how environmental pressures (e.g.
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Fall 24 (A)
STRATEGY 672 Fall 23 3 hours
Strategies for Growth --- A major challenge facing most companies (and business units) is how to grow the organization.
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TO 624 Fall 23 (A) +1 2.25 hours
Strategic Sourcing --- Strategic sourcing is the cross-functional process of critically analyzing how the organization can most effectively secure outside goods and services.
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Fall 24 (A)
MKT 601 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Strategic Market Planning --- This course focuses on the critical questions for any market-driven entity: which markets and customers to serve, what function to provide, and the means to achieve compe
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MKT 603 Fall 23 (A) +2 2.25 hours
Strategic Brand Management --- In almost every industry, strong brands sell more, earn more, and last longer.
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Fall 24 (A)
Winter 24 (B)
TO 513 Fall 23 (B) +2 1.5 hours
Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications --- This course, a continuation of TO 512, emphasizes problem solving using spreadsheet software.
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Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (B)
MO 637 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Social Intrapreneurship: Leading Social Innovation in Organizations --- Getting a major initiative to succeed in big organizations is much like leading a social movement.
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MKT 612 Fall 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Retail Strategy --- This course entails getting your product to the right consumers, is a fundamental aspect of any business.
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ACC 650 Winter 24 (B) 1.5 hours
Resource Costing Systems: A P&L view --- Learn to analyze huge grids of accounting data in a multidisciplinary way to control costs of tech infrastructure without crushing employee morale and init
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BL 511 Winter 24 (A) 1.5 hours
Real Estate in the United States --- From the purchase and sale of real property to its ownership, maintenance, management, financing, use, development, and redevelopment- is governed by an at times -
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FIN 566 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Real Estate Finance and Investments --- This course begins the development of concepts and techniques for structuring real estate financial deals.
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FIN 563 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Real Estate Development in Practice --- This course aims to provide students the ability to confidently evaluate and plan a real estate development project.
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Fall 24
TO 616 Fall 23 +2 1.5 hours
Project Management --- This course focuses on strategies and tools useful in management of non-repetitive business activities.
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Fall 24
Winter 24 (B)
FIN 624 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Private Equity Finance --- This course presents the fundamentals of private equity finance, focusing on financing mezzanine deals and buyout transactions.
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