Action-Based Learning Projects:
MAP & Consulting Studio

San Juan

San Juan
Weekend MBA MAP
Market Analysis and Assessment
Communication dependent technology is advancing rapidly leaving business decision makers struggling to establish a clear business case for adoption individual technologies and/or combined technologies. Smaller enterprises lack the depth of technical staff to dedicate time to analyzing new technology tools and the result is these companies losing comparative cost efficiency with companies that are able to make these analysis.
Faculty Advisors

Ann Arbor, MI; Denver, CO; Raleigh-Durham, NC; Boston, MA; Louisville, KY

Ann Arbor, MI; Denver, CO; Raleigh-Durham, NC; Boston, MA; Louisville, KY
Full-Time MBA MAP
Formulate a strategic corporate plan for Depression Centers to partner with corporations in addressing depression in the workplace.
Faculty Advisors

Chicago, Atlanta, IL, GA, USA

Chicago, Atlanta, IL, GA, USA
Weekend MBA MAP
Operations Enhancements
The project will evaluate leveraging the CRH Microsoft Dynamics platform to integrate our Anesthesia business unit, recruiting and HR functions to drive efficiencies via the MS dynamics tool set (process automation, power BI, etc.). The deliverable will evaluate the scope and resources necessary to deliver a cost benefit analysis to determine whether to proceed
Faculty Advisors

Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI
BBA Capstone
Market Analysis and Assessment
Implement an interactive mapping program to help pinpoint high-scoring areas in Wayne County for refugee housing funding applications that go through a competitive scoring process.
Faculty Advisors