Course Name Number Term Credit Hrs Sort descending
WMBA 633 Spring 23 +1 2.25 hours
Strategic Brand Management --- In almost every industry, strong brands sell more, earn more, and last longer.
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Spring 24
MKT 722 Spring/Summer 23 +1 2.25 hours
Digital Marketing --- "Digital" has become one of the most important issues in business today -- requiring new skills and capabilities from the entire workforce to compete in the market.
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Spring/Summer 24
STRATEGY 772 Summer 23 +1 2.25 hours
Strategies for Growth --- A major challenge facing most companies (and business units) is how to grow the organization.
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Summer 24
BE 780 Summer 23 +1 2.25 hours
Competitive Tactics and Policies --- This course focuses on two main questions: How do firms develop and maintain profits in the face of competition, and how do governments use antitrust and competiti
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Summer 24
WMBA 627 Winter 24 2.25 hours
Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Development --- This course will study the theory and practice of business alliances. Alliances among businesses are fundamental necessity of corporate strategy.
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MKT 626 Fall 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Customer Analytics --- This course focuses on a quantitative approach to understanding customers and predicting their behavior.
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TO 720 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Global Supply Chain Management --- This course offers a general manager's perspective on key issues in designing and managing end-to-end global supply chains.
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MKT 711 Winter 24 (B) 2.25 hours
Advertising Management --- This course covers the management of a firm's advertising effort (with some coverage of related topics like direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotions).
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TO 649 Fall 23 (B) 2.25 hours
Revenue Management --- Revenue Management has, in the last decade, become a very important analytical tool for companies to optimize the revenues they can obtain for services or goods under capacity c
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MO 637 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Social Intrapreneurship: Leading Social Innovation in Organizations --- Getting a major initiative to succeed in big organizations is much like leading a social movement.
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WMBA 601 Spring 24 +1 2.25 hours
Strategic Marketing Planning --- Strategic Market Planning ? This course is designed to provide an in-depth, "hands-on" learning experience in marketing strategy, planning and analysis.
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Winter 24
BL 517 Winter 24 (B) 2.25 hours
Law of Business Organizations --- This course provides an introduction to the legal framework in which managers operate a business enterprise.
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MO 603 Fall 23 (B) +1 2.25 hours
Navigating Change: Skills and Strategies for Consultants and Managers --- Change is everywhere but change efforts often fail.
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Fall 24 (B)
MBAN 550 Summer 23 +1 2.25 hours
Introduction to Data Programming --- This course will provide an introduction to computer programming for business analytics applications using a suitable language like Python or R.
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Summer 24
TO 730 Spring/Summer 24 2.25 hours
Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation --- This course introduces students to the emerging nature of competition, new business models and ecosystems, and the critical capabilities that f
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MKT 612 Fall 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Retail Strategy --- This course entails getting your product to the right consumers, is a fundamental aspect of any business.
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BA 715 Summer 24 2.25 hours
Real Estate Market Analysis --- Real estate market analysis provides decision makers a critical set of skills to evaluate opportunities in acquiring, selling, or developing real estate.
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EMBA 602 Fall 23 +1 2.5 hours
Capital Allocation and Valuation --- This course covers the topics of capital allocation, valuation, and performance evaluation.
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Fall 24
EMBA 629 Winter 24 2.5 hours
Strategies for Growth --- Shareholders, competitors, and employees all impose pressures on companies to grow.
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BA 200 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Businesses and Leaders: The Positive Differences --- Businesses and their leaders coexist with society and are both influenced by and influencers of societal issues.
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Fall 24
ES 212 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Entrepreneurial Business Basics --- This business basics course covers how to make a product or service idea real in the form of a tangible, marketable product and an organization that can produce and
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Fall 24
Winter 24
BE 300 Spring/Summer 23 +4 3 hours
Applied Economics --- The development of analytical tools and their application to important economic issues.
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Fall 23
Spring/Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
FIN 300 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Financial Management --- Financial Management. An introduction to the issues, theory, and methodology that comprise a framework for rational decision-making by financial managers.
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Fall 24
Winter 24
MKT 300 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Marketing Management --- An introductory course utilizing the case method of instruction to develop skills in marketing decision making.
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Fall 24
Winter 24
MO 300 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Behavioral Theory in Management --- This course teaches students basic concepts in the behavioral sciences that can improve their abilities to lead and manage in organizations.
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Fall 24