Course Name Number Sort descending Term Credit Hrs
STRATEGY 565 Fall 23 (B) +1 1.5 hours
Strategies for Sustainable Development II: Market Transformation --- The pressure for sustainable development has significant implications for firms, particularly large multinational corporations.
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 591 Spring 23 +1 2.25 hours
Corporate Strategy --- This course focuses on the job, perspective, and skills of the general manager in diagnosing what is critical in complex business situations and finding realistic solutions to s
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Winter 24 (B)
STRATEGY 598 Spring 23 +2 1 hours
Strategy Benchmarking --- This course is an action learning course to provide a field supplement to the in-class Strategy 591 course.
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Spring 24
Winter 24 (B)
STRATEGY 609 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Strategy for Health Care Organizations --- This is a case-based course that takes a macro-level view of the health care industry and seeks to understand, analyze, and craft winning strategies for the
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STRATEGY 615 Fall 23 (B) +1 2.25 hours
Equity Analytics --- Greater sensitivity to societal inequality, combined with an increasingly diverse workforce, has led many managers to ask if their business practices create disparities in opportu
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 630 Fall 23 (B) +1 2.25 hours
New Age of Innovation --- This course introduces students to the emerging nature of competition and the critical capabilities that firms need to build to thrive in this environment.
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 669 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
Advanced Competitive Strategy --- This course seeks to deepen and broaden your understanding of competitive strategy.
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STRATEGY 672 Fall 23 3 hours
Strategies for Growth --- A major challenge facing most companies (and business units) is how to grow the organization.
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STRATEGY 675 Fall 23 (B) +1 2.25 hours
Business Model Innovation --- Some of the most valuable firms in today's digital economy have pursued business model innovations -- innovations in which the rules of the game for creating and capturin
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 680 Fall 23 (A) +1 1.5 hours
Business in Society --- The world faces many large problems such as climate change, environmental degradation, global poverty, and inequality.
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Fall 24 (A)
STRATEGY 682 Fall 24 (A) +1 2.25 hours
Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Development --- Mergers and acquisitions can provide opportunities for value creation, value destruction and value appropriation.
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Winter 24 (B)
STRATEGY 688 Winter 24 (A) 2.25 hours
The Power of Prestige: How Status and Reputation Confer Competitive Advantage --- What do McKinsey, Chanel, and Amazon have in common? Prestige is critical to their success!
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STRATEGY 711 Fall 23 (B) +1 1.5 hours
Global Strategy --- This is an integrative course that prepares students to formulate and implement strategies that place their organizations in advantageous positions relative to an increasingly glob
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 750 Spring 23 +8 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Independent study projects, supervised by faculty, are available to graduate business students in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
STRATEGY 772 Summer 23 +1 2.25 hours
Strategies for Growth --- A major challenge facing most companies (and business units) is how to grow the organization.
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Summer 24
STRATEGY 897 Fall 23 (B) +1 1.5 hours
Doctoral Seminar in Corporate Strategy --- This course covers topics in Corporate Strategy research.
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Fall 24 (B)
STRATEGY 898 Fall 23 (A) +3 1.5 hours
Doctoral Seminar in Corporate Strategy --- STRATEGY 897, 898, and 899 cover topics in Corporate Strategy research.
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Fall 24 (A)
Winter 24 (A)
Winter 24 (B)
STRATEGY 900 Spring 23 +8 1 - 6 hours
Special Research for Doctoral Applicants and Candidates --- Individual research projects for Doctoral Applicants and Candidates are available.

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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
STRATEGY 990 Spring 23 +8 1 - 8 hours
Diss-Precand --- Dissertation research at the Precandidacy stage.

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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
STRATEGY 995 Spring 23 +8 4 - 8 hours
Diss-Cand --- Dissertation research at the candidacy stage.

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Spring/Summer 23
Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 300 Fall 23 (B) +3 1.5 hours
Business Information Systems --- In keeping with AACSB guidelines, this course focuses on information technologies as they influence the structure and processes of organizations and economies, and as
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Fall 24 (B)
Winter 24 (A)
Winter 24 (B)
TO 301 Fall 23 +1 4 hours
Business Analytics and Statistics --- The ability to make intelligent decisions based on data and information is critical for both managers and firms, particularly in the modern era with large amounts
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Fall 24
TO 302 Fall 23 +2 3 hours
Managing Business Operations --- Technology and Operations studies the business processes by which inputs of materials, labor, capital, and information are transformed into products and services which
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Fall 24
Winter 24
TO 313 Fall 23 +1 3 hours
Operations Management --- In a dynamic, competitive world, a company's effectiveness depends significantly on how well the firm's resources are managed.
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Fall 24
TO 399 Spring 23 +6 1 - 3 hours
Independent Study Project --- Individual research projects, supervised by faculty, are available to juniors and seniors in good academic standing.
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Spring/Summer 23
Fall 23
Spring 24
Spring/Summer 24
Fall 24
Winter 24