Wilmington, DE
Perform a deep dive market assessment to identify target segment
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Limerick, Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Create a business plan to execute expansion into new service areas
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Rochester Hills, MI
Provide a roadmap for how to best commercialize a disruptive ICD coding solution.
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St. Paul, MN; Sao Paolo, Brazil and Puerto Rico
Generate short- and long-term distribution scenarios for Latin America that will drive growth and protect Ecolab's position as a market leader.
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Ann Arbor, MI
Develop a new rental model for commercial dish machines and analyze the financial and operational impact of transitioning existing customers to it.
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St. Paul, MN, Seattle, WA
Develop the value proposition and go-to-market plan for a new sustainability program
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Bangalore, India;Andhra Pradesh, India;Delhi, India
Understand the scope of co-creation in the urban governance space, identify the dynamics and complexities, and design a co-creation strategy and implementation plan for the eGovernments Foundation...
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