Redwood Shores, CA
Review and make recommendations on a number of topics relating to Oracle cloud's go-to-market strategy.
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Redwood Shores, CA
Review and make recommendations on a number of topics relating to Oracle cloud's go-to-market strategy.
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Redwood Shores, CA and Chicago, IL
Present an optimized business model for how to capture early adopter best practices and use cases to enable Oracle to quickly scale new solution offerings and increase market share.
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Holt, MI
Develop an enterprise-wide finished goods inventory strategy to meet customer service level expectations and optimize capital investments.
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Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conduct a situation analysis on the Brazilian tech investment scenario and make recommendations for which innovations could make smart money more accessible to local startups.
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Toledo, OH
Conduct a market assessment and formulate a business strategy for ecommerce growth.
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Toledo, OH
Assess a limited collection of recycled glass and recommend solutions to increase supply to enable more sustainable manufacturing.
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Atlanta, GA; Princeton, NJ California
Evaluate and benchmark relevant, existing, non-philanthropic circular economy strategies, closed-loop recycling/sustainability programs within the mixed material products industry to identify the...
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