Sao Paulo Brazil
Develop a circular economy strategic plan for NVH`s two fashion and lifestyle brands, creating a cost-efficient production platform to maximize sustainability and social impact focus.
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Santa Clara, Beijing, Shanghai
The company called on a MAP team to develop a go-to-market strategy for a game console in China, the world’s largest gaming market. The team’s extensive market research included visits to five cities...
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Santa Clara, CA; Beijing, China and Shanghai, China
Devise a to-to-market strategy and execution plan that will support a successful launch in China.
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Los Angeles, CA
Create an in-depth analysis of Arena naming rights deals in the history of sports and entertainment.
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Washington, DC; Kingston, Jamaica and Hong Kong, China
Create a scalable, self-sustaining business model that can be implemented in key geographies around the world that aims to ensure plastics collected during beach cleanups are up-cycled into durable...
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Boca Raton, FL
Provide a comprehensive analysis of the Work From Home market recommending potential solutions and offerings.
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Kigali, Rubengera Rwanda
Conduct landscape analysis of prominent influencers' involvement with fundraising for non-profits and recommend methods to engage the right influencers around fundraising for hunger eradication
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